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We love because God first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
As Christians saved by God's mercy and grace, we are called by the Holy Spirit to participation in God's mission. The work of the church includes a variety of ministries.
First and foremost as a congregation, we gather for weekly worship. In worship, we are fed, equipped and sent out to participate in God's mission. All are welcome in worship.
As our Mission Statement says:
"Saved by God's mercy and called by the Holy Spirit, we share the Good News of Christ by reaching out in love."

Along with worship, some of the key ministries of the church fall into the area of education. Part of the church's mission is to equip the Body of Christ to share the Good News of Christ.
Education includes people of all ages. St. Peter has many active education ministries including:
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Adult Education
Splash Play Group
Bible Study Groups
Please visit the Children's Ministry page or the Youth Ministry page for more information on each of these important ministries.

Bible Studies:
Join one of our studies to discuss, learn, and get to know other members of the congregation.
Women's Bible Study:
Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of the Month at 1pm. Study varies, and all women are welcome to join at any time - no pre-signup necessary!
Men's Bible Study:
Meets the 3rd Saturday of the Month at 8am. Study varies, and all men are welcome to join at any time - no pre-signup necessary!
Contact one of the pastors, or the main office, to get the Zoom link for either Bible Study, if you would like to join in from home!
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