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Children's Ministry
Sunday School (Age 4 - 5th Grade)
Sunday School
Our Sunday School Ministry is for any children age 4 through 5th grade. Throughout the school year, Sunday School meets during our Education Hour (9:15am-10:15am). The Sunday School meets as one group for story time, and then goes to their classrooms with an adult volunteer for their crafts, games, and lessons.
Throughout the year, students will learn Bible stories, go through their Milestone (see below for more info), and will have the opportunity to take part in church events (e.g. Children's Christmas Program, Feed My Sheep Sundays, etc.)
If you have questions regarding Sunday School, or would like to register your child for our Sunday School, email our Education Coordinator, Miriam Bjornstad.
Milestone Ministry
Milestone Ministry is an intentional partnership in ministry between a child’s parents and the congregation.
Responding to God’s grace and promise in Holy Baptism we guide our children and youth as they grow in faith. We mark that growth by celebrating Faith Milestones with them:
1. Holy Baptism
2. Entrance into Sunday School (age 4)
3. Lord’s Prayer (1st grade)
4. First Communion (2nd grade)
5. First Bible (3rd grade)
6. We Believe! Apostles’ Creed (4th grade)
7. Serving the Lord (5th grade)
8. Entrance into Confirmation Ministry (6th grade)
9. Affirmation of Baptism (8th grade)
10. High School Graduation (12th grade)

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 16-20, 2025 | 9am-Noon each day
2025 Theme “True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World”
Our VBS is for ages 4-years old through those who just completed 4th grade. 5th graders and up are welcome to be helpers.
Download our fillable VBS Registration Form here (coming soon)
​​​PARENTS: if your child is attending VBS, please send along:
A (color tbd) t-shirt for them to paint.
Color of tshirt will be determined closer to VBS 2025
Hobby Lobby & Michaels have tons of t-shirts, and affordable, too!
Please pre-wash the shirt and dry.
Do NOT use fabric softener (the paint will not stick.)
Put your child’s name on the inside collar of the shirt.
A water bottle to use during snacks.
Put your child’s first & last name on it.